The future of Walpole’s signage is in your hands.

————— Voting has ended —————
You can still view the Artworks below.
At the links above, you will find a variety of different artworks to vote from. Which photograph will benefit Walpole tourism the most? Choose by number on the polls provided. With the Proposed Wording we are not only looking at tourism, but also the consideration of Walpole’s first people.

Many years ago the Walpole community indicated to the Manjimup Shire that they wanted signage on the South Coast Highway through Walpole that showed not only how beautiful our town is, but that we are close to water, both inlets and ocean. It was realised that tourists could pass through our town without being aware of the incredible scenery close by.
The Walpole Nornalup and Districts Community Development Group (WN&DCDG) took up the cause and started raising money for this project through Business After Hours, Twilight nights, sausage sizzles, Carols by Candlelight etc. Over the years they raised a massive $7,000, but this was not enough for the very expensive signage.
Jane Kelsbie, our representative for Warren Blackwood, came to the rescue and will give the WN&DCDG an extra $10,000 to realise the towns needs.
The original idea was to put signage on the existing poles at either end of the town but this was discarded when we were advised that the images would have a limited life.
Lengthy discussion led to the proposed format for signage as seen below.
(Please note, these are only examples and do not reflect the final product)
The next decision to make was whether we could afford new photography which needed to be done by a professional with experience in this field, who not only got the hero shots we needed but also had the technical knowledge to produce a photo that could be the size and shape needed without pixelation. Scott Slawinski from Base Imagery was the candidate who fit the criteria. He was employed, jointly, by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and the Shire of Manjimup. I would like to offer my thanks to Ryan Smith, Manager of the Tree Top Walk, Gail Ipsen-Cutts, Director Community services, Michael Leers, Director of Works and Services for their help, advice and support throughout this project. It is a lot more complicated than I first imagined.
Now we get to the choosing part. We would like the Walpole community to choose the images that they would like to see promoting our wonderful town. This is your chance to have your say.
They will also be on display at the Pink Ribbon Morning Tea on Saturday 23rd October 10am to 2pm, then at the Walpole CRC, where manual votes can be cast. Voting will be open until 1st November 2021.
I can’t wait to see which images are chosen.
~Cherie Smith
If you have any questions, contact the Walpole CRC on (08) 9840 1395
Thanks for your help!
Updated 2/11/2021